When this BBW singer couldn’t his the note her perverted producer had a novel idea. He was going to jam his cock up her ass until she is belting out the notes like she is Mariah Carey. He pricked her tight asshole while squeezing her huge tits until she was screaming his praise.
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Big girls are making a come back. With mainstream modeling finally giving the plus sized models some much deserved recognition it seems that plumpers are no longer the butt of jokes. Dating a larger lady no longer leaves you open to attack from your friends. It reminds me of how masturbation has become so mainstream as well. Everybody always did it, but now everybody is open about it. When it comes to big women everybody wants to at least try it. Now they can do so openly.
If you spend just a little bit of time thinking about it the whole thing makes a lot of sense. Do boys grow up wanting to drive a Toyota Prius or a big rig? Do they dream of piloting a jet ski or an aircraft carrier? They go large. They go for the bigger is better, just like they go for BBW babes like Charlie Cooper.
The only draw bag to plus sized women is that they eat so damn much. Their clothes also cost more. And shoes… don’t even get me started on the shoes!
So save yourself a ton of cash by skipping the dates and going straight to the sex, all while keeping yourself free of STDs, with a Plumper Pass. With one password you get access to over 1,600 BBW porn movies featuring over 360 BBW models. All of the videos and photo sets are keyword tagged so you can find the plumpers that wet your whistle quicker.
Oh shit! Now you are saving time and money!
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